كلمات اغنية قصتي في الهوى خالد حامد
قصتي في الهوى
يا ناس انا لي قصة في الهوى
يقلون راعي الحب ماله دوى
مسكين حالك يالذي مبتلي
I am disclosing to everyone that I have a passionate love story
It is said that whoever is no love has no cure
The one whose heart is wrecked is always in a miserable state so long
اللي سباني ناعست العيون
نضراتها واكحالها والجفون
ترمي سهومً جت على مقتلي
My beloved who forsake me in my unrequited love is the girl who had sleepy eyes
Of charming look, fascinating eyelid and is wearing eye linear
darted an arrow which killed me
مزيون ومدلل وانا اموت فيه
مملوح مايرحم وانا أخشى عليه
دامه شبيه الورد لا يذبلي
My darling is beautifully spoiled, I will die for her
And handsome who is not merciful for me and I'm concerned about her
As long as she resembles a rose, she will not die or wither
اذا حضر حسه يداوي الجروح
وان غاب كني جسم من دون روح
سبحان ربً صور الزين لي
If she was present, the wound will heal
And when she is not attending, it's like I'm a soulless body
Glory is to Allah who created her beauty for me
اذا تبسم!! قلت سيد الملاح
واذا تضايق خاطري مااستراح
وان صد نارً تشتعل داخلي
When she smiles, I say she's a master of beauty
And when she's upset, I feel restless
And if fire fended off me, the fire will be inflamed inside me
انا اشهد ان الحب كله تعب
والله يكون فعون منهو يحب
راعي المحبه لو ضحك ماسلي
I swear that all love is hardship
And Allah be with those who fall in love
Who are infatuated by love cannot find happiness even if they laugh ostensibly
والحب فيه من الفرح والسرور
واكبر بلا لاصار فيه الغرور
وصار قلبك للغضي مايلي
Jubilance and Joy are pervading through Love
The biggest mistake when love turns into arrogance
And your heart has become beloved
صحيح جرح الحب ماينتهي
مادمت حي ومن تداريه حي
وانا مااطيع اللي تغلا علي
It is a fact that the wounds of love never end
As long as you are alive and the one you love is alive
And I disobey the person who bothers her
اهواك واحبك ياعذب الغرام
واشتاق لك واوله علي الحرام
انك سعاده وسط قلبي الخلي
I adore you and love you as you are the affable sweet love
I swear I miss you
You are the source of happiness for my mateless heart
كلمات اغنية انت من جدك خالد حامد